
Code Geass [spoiler free]

Oh, Code Geass. How pretty you are~ I guess I'll start with talking about the art, then. CLAMP did the character designs; you know what that means! Noodle arms and legs, longer-than-they-should-be torsos, nice busts/butts, amazing hair, cool outfits, and pretty eyes. As someone who draws, the legs, arms, and torsos DID bother me at times, but the prettiness and crispness of everything else definitely made up for that.

The plot. Basically, due to events in his past, an ex-prince of the Britannian Empire decides he wants to take it down and establish a new, utopian world in which his sister can live. When he receives a mysterious power from a mysterious woman, he has to learn how to use it so he can utilize it in challenging the Britannian Empire. Also there are MECHAS~ And the beautiful thing is that the plot isn't focused solely on them; they're just a supplement to help the plot move along.

The concept of Geass, the mysterious power, is extremely cool. It has rules and limits, and also has consequences if you use it too often. Furthermore, you can't just GET Geass; you have to form a contract with someone who has it already, basically promising to do something for them in exchange for the power. The mechas, called Knightmare Frames, are extremely well-designed with the exception of one that has a cape... (What's the point of a cape on a robot, really?) However, they, too, are not all-powerful and have limits, so they're not like the ultimate godmode weapon or anything. You could have a Knightmare Frame and completely fail at using it, resulting in losses forever.

There are also a lot of characters in this Anime. Let me just say that I really appreciate that the main character has no idea what he's doing at first. As a matter of fact, he wasn't planning on doing anything until he GOT the power, because he knew just how normal and clueless he really was. With the power, he feels like he's received the key to enacting his revenge, and has to use his wit to learn more about the Geass and be clever about how he goes about using it. Furthermore, he doesn't rely solely on Geass. Granted, he does use it a lot, but the guy is intelligent and comes up with great strategies and ideas in which his Geass usually plays one role that, when combined with the strategies, seals the deal.

Did I mention he takes on a secret identity that he has to hide from pretty much everyone he knows, adding tension? Did I mention one of these people happens to be his bff, who happens to be a soldier for Britannia?

There's really a wide range of characters and personalities; you'd be a fool not to explore them by really committing to watching the entirety of this Anime.

The beginning of the second season will throw you off; calm down, take a breath, just keep watching and everything will fall into place and make sense. You'll be glad you didn't quit the Anime because you were confused for a moment, because second season is where things get real. Some people have said the director felt like he had to rush the second season, and therefore it "didn't turn out as good." I, however, did not feel this way. Yes, there were instances where a scene would feel a tad faster-paced than it should be, but the twists and turns that happen are so worth it, in my opinion. Which, by the way, there are a lot of, and they will BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

The ending... Well, the director has had to clear up confusion, because the way it was directed seemed ambiguous to a lot of fans. In my opinion, this is a good thing, because if you're not happy with one interpretation, you can leave it up to your imagination to use the knowledge you've gained about the universe of Code Geass to piece together your own version of the ending. It's really pretty interesting, in my opinion. Just don't bring up the ending in a forum anywhere unless you want to start a fanwar. Some people get super srs about the ending. xD

All in all, 10/10. Watch it. Do it. Seriously.

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