
Freezing//フリージング [spoiler free]

I'm new to this, so I'll just go step-by-step with what comes to mind.

You think that's a lot of women? Get this: It's missing some.

First, our main characters. Aoi Kazuya is your standard nice-guy-with-WTF-power. I honestly can't say there's anything really special about him. You'll like him enough but not in a memorable way, just in the "Oh, you don't annoy me" way. Satellizer el Bridget (wtf is up with her name) is a pretty good character, actually. At first you think she's your standard tough chick who doesn't wanna let anyone in, hates the world, blah blah, because she's so quiet and ruthless. But it turns out this toughness has reason, and once you find out what the reason is, it makes perfect sense. And believe me, you find out early on. There are hints dropped that are glaringly obvious. I think maybe the only thing I DIDN'T like about her character was the fact that the uniform she wore--while longer than the others'--showed huge amounts of boob. This isn't me being a prude; when you find out about her past, it just doesn't make sense for her to show them off like that.

The only angle where they aren't overly exposed.

Then we have a ridiculous amount of side characters. Luckily the show didn't spend more than an episode or so on each one. Rana was probably the best out of them, as she was bubbly and cute--a great refresher after seeing cold Satella (Satellizer's nickname) and tsundere Ganessa all the time. Ganessa was annoying. I personally hate overly competitive characters in Anime, and she was ridic with the competition nonsense. She redeems herself in the end, though, and actually brought tears to my eyes. The other side characters aren't really worth noting. ...Well, maybe the school president, but only for the fact that she reminds me of Brock from Pokémon, 'cause her eyes are always squinted. xD

Brock's long lost sister?

The plot. Well... it was okay. "We're a school that trains girls to battle these weird creatures from an alternate dimension!" Lately I'm getting tired of "young" Anime characters, as since I'm in college now, I can't relate. BUT, as that's just a personal thing for me, it's a pretty okay basis for a plot. At first the terms are confusing... "Ereinbar Set," "Limiter," "Pandora Mode"... But you get the hang of it after a while. THE ONLY THING THAT BOTHERS ME ABOUT THE PLOT: At first it seems like a bunch of random fighting. "OMG THIS THING IS LARGE AND CAUSES DESTRUCTION KILL IT!" But you don't know WHY the Nova (the "things" I was referring to) are doing so until like, literally, the second to last episode. And even then, it doesn't make sense as to WHY they're doing THAT, even. The very last 30 seconds of the last episode make it seem like there's going to be another season... So hopefully they'll explain more in the next season?

The fanservice. DEAR LORD THE FANSERVICE. I mean, I'm 19. I'm in college. I take Human Sexuality and Culture, for crying out loud. Boobs and buttcheeks don't scare me. Sex sells; I know this and I'm not afraid of it. BUT DANG. It was excessive. There were literally moments where I felt like the creators had a quota for each episode, and that quota had to be around 10 fanservice moments AT LEAST. Seriously, in every battle, someone's boobs pop out because apparently at West Genetics (the name of their school) it's customary to rip someone's shirt open when attempting to battle/humiliate them.

Filler episodes. Technically you could say most of the episodes in which they introduce a new character were filler, as the plot pretty much happened in all of 5 or 6 episodes. But they had their own battles, so they were enjoyable for the most part. Nothing special but nothing that made me absolutely POed at the time I spent watching them. There's one LEGIT filler episode when they go to "Prom"... It was cute, but that may be because I'm a girl and I like things like Prom. If you're a dude, ...well, you'll still probably like it, because the fanservice in this episode is out of control. xD

The art. It was pretty enough. There were definitely some instances of laziness on the animators' part, like in the one scene where you see Satella's mom tell her never to lose. It's basically Satella's shining eyes while her mom, from offscreen, talks to her. Lazyyy~ BUT! For the guys, you'll be pleased to know that the animators drew nipples on the girls. For the girls, you'll be lol'ing or D8'ing. Everything seemed proportional enough (besides the boobs), but they DEFINITELY used hairstyles to differentiate characters; a trait I find rather disappointing in Anime.

All in all, I give it a 7/10.

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