
I christen thee, blog!

Yes, yes. The first blog post. I suppose I should make it witty and interesting but frankly I'm in the middle of watching an Anime and it occurred to me: I've been watching a bunch of Anime lately; maybe I should write reviews of them. After all, there can never be too many reviews. I used to rely on them to decide whether or not I wanted to watch an Anime or play a game.

Now, I am passing on my knowledge to you, O noble reader. (Or not so noble, depending on the type of Anime you search to get here. :/)

I guess I could do other stuff here like talk about my life, post art I've done recently, and maybe review some KPOP or JPOP. We'll see.

And with that, let the blogging begin~ (Watch me completely forget about this in the next day.)

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